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It's very good. You made a good choice."I pour and slide close to you into the space where food once was. We sip our wine wordlessly as we gaze into other's eyes, close enough to feel each others exhalations on our hot skin. I slip my glass into my right hand, with my left I reach out to your hip and slide it up to your waist and lean forward to kiss you.Our kiss is electric after all the anticipation. With a push, I roll you onto your back and sliding against you and pushing my left leg. We talked for a while and then he said, “You know that I missed my afternoon bath since we left the hospital this morning, so I would sure appreciate your help in getting me cleaned up.”I answered, “Dad, I’ve never helped anyone like this before and it's all a little embarrassing for me. You’ll need to guide me through it.”He smiled at me and said, “Well, it’s the first time for me too, but I’m sure we’ll get through it just fine together. Just get a pan of warm water, soap, washcloth and towel. Here." Harry reached to take his and Hermione jumped back in horror. "Harry! What happened to you?!" Ron grabbed Harry’s arm before he could hide it under the covers. He had forgotten that he hadn’t put on his sweatshirt to hide the marks. "Was it the muggles?" his friend demanded. "It’s nothing." Harry was flushed with embarrassment and hoping they’d just let it drop. But Hermione appeared livid. "You have to tell Dumbledore. I can’t believe it. And after the order talked to them-" "Let it. The steering wheel pressed into my stomach, my chest leaning over it. The horn honked as my breasts pressed into it. I gasped as I felt his fingers hooking aside my panties. I realized I was straddling him. I felt his cock nudging into my inner thigh and—“Oh, no, no, I'm a virgin!” I gasped as his cock slid up my inner thigh towards my pussy.He snorted as he grabbed my hips and pulled me down.I whimpered as his cock touched my pussy. The hand holding my panties aside moved away, sliding around.
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